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Artist:Reading play in farthest land (Japan)
Title:Suzu: Tinkling Drops of True Stories



詩人の大崎清夏が珠洲の暮らしを採話し、新たな物語を書き下ろす。地元の民話や昔話などの調査に加え、地域の人々からも聞き取りを行い新たな珠洲の民話を紡いでいく。朗読には朝の連続テレビ小説 『まれ』への出演を機に珠洲の人々と交流を深めてきた常盤貴子を迎える。2022年に好評を博した 「さいはての朗読劇」の新作。

◎日程=9月29 日(金) 開演 20 時 00 分(開場19 時 30 分)
         30 日(土) 開演 16 時 00 分(開場 15 時30 分)
                開演 19 時 00 分(開場 18 時 30 分) 
◎作=大崎清夏 ◎構成・演出=長塚圭史  ◎音楽=阿部海太郎 ◎美術=南条嘉毅   ◎照明=岡野昌代 ◎衣装=市井まゆ 
◎メイク=板倉タクマ ◎舞台監督=伊東龍彦  ◎舞台・照明協力=鈴木泰人 ◎音響・制作=伊藤豊(イトウ音楽社) ◎企画=阿部海太郎、南条嘉毅

※本イベントのチケットは前売券にて完売いたしました。当日券の販売はございません。 ご了承ください。

The poet, Sayaka Osaki, interprets the lifestyle of Suzu, writes new stories, and performs recitations of plays. In addition to researching local folk tales and the old tales performed last time, she discovers new Suzu folk tales through interviews with people who are living in the present. Direction is by Keishi Nagatsuka, who brought the Suzu Theater Museum into an actual "theater" space with local performers in Suzu Night Dream last year. The music that colors the story is by Umitaro Abe, who was in charge of the music for Yoko-no-Umi, which will be screened in the museum. The reading is performed by Takako Tokiwa, who has deepened exchanges with the people of Suzu after her appearance in the morning TV drama "Mare".

◎Date = September 29th Performance starts at 20:00 (doors open at 19:30)
     September 30th Performance starts at 16:00 (doors open at 15:30)
                September 30th Performance starts at 19:00 (doors open at 18:30) 
◎Price = 3,000 yen in advance, 3,500 yen on the day (3,300 yen with passport)    
                 Elementary, junior high and high school students 2500 yen 
◎Performance = Takako Tokiwa 
◎Author = Kiyoka Osaki ◎Composition/direction = Keishi Nagatsuka ◎Music = Kaitaro Abe ◎Art = Yoshiki Nanjo ◎Lighting = Masayo Okano ◎Costume = Mayu Ichii ◎Makeup = Takuma Itakura ◎Stage director = Tatsuhiko Ito ◎Stage and lighting cooperation = Yasuto Suzuki ◎Sound and production = Yutaka Ito (Ito Ongakusha) ◎Planning = Kaitaro Abe, Yoshiki Nanjo ◎Costume cooperation =img


さいはての朗読劇〈 日本 〉

Reading playin farthest land (Japan)


A theater team started by Umitaro Abe, who was in charge of the music for Yoko-no-Umi at the Suzu Theater Museum, and Yoshitake Nanjo, a curator. In the performance in 2022, Keishi Nagatsuka directed a play born from the storytelling in Suzu, which was created by poet Sayaka Osaki. The performance Suzu Night Dream was read aloud by actor Yukiya Kitamura and Suzu citizen volunteers. It was very popular with full seats every day.